University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing PROGRAMMING IN HASKELL Academic Year 2015/2016 LECTURE 6: Higher-order functions 1 v1.0 (c) 2015 Jan Ć najder ============================================================================== > import Data.Char > import Prelude hiding (map,filter) > import Data.List hiding (map,filter) === RECAP ==================================================================== Last week we talked about recursion. It turns out that there are a number of ubiquitous recursion patterns, which can be abstracted into so-called FUNCTIONAL IDIOMS using higher-order functions. We'll look into that today. First off, let's reveal the truth about multi-argument function in Haskell. === CURRIED FORM ============================================================= We know that functions in Haskell can take many arguments. For example: > number :: Int -> Int -> Int > number x y = x*10 + y But the real truth is that functions in Haskell always take only ONE argument. Functions that seem like they take multiple arguments are in fact CURRIED FUNCTIONS. Such functions take the first argument and return a new function that takes the second argument, then this function returns a new function that takes the third argument, etc. So, each function takes only one argument and returns a function that takes the next argument, while the last function returns the final result. This means that the signature of the 'number' function is in fact: number :: Int -> (Int -> Int) i.e., a function that takes an 'Int' and returns a function that takes 'Int' and returns an 'Int'. Similarly, a function for concatenating three strings: > concatThree :: String -> (String -> (String -> String)) > concatThree s1 s2 s3 = s1 ++ s2 ++ s3 As per convention, the operator '->' in a type signature is RIGHT ASSOCIATIVE. This means that, if we drop the parentheses, they group to the right. So: a -> a -> a is equal to a -> (a -> a) hence we can (and we want to) drop the parentheses. On the other hand, function APPLICATION is left associative. This means that number 1 2 is equivalent to (number 1) 2 To remember: * operator '->' in a type signature is RIGHT associative * function application is LEFT associative === PARTIAL APPLICATION ====================================================== What happens if a curried function is applied to a fewer number of arguments than it actually has? For example: > foo = number 5 Because number :: Int -> (Int -> Int) then it has to be number 5 :: Int -> Int Thus, by partially applying a function we obtain a new function that expects the next argument. This makes it possible to define many specific functions using one more generic function: > fifty = number 5 > sixty = number 6 > atLeast100 = max 100 Notice that we could have defined: > atLeast100' x = max 100 x But real Haskellers don't do that! In general, instead of: foo x = f x we define: foo = f In lambda calculus, this is called ETA REDUCTION. Note that, because of partial function application, the order with which the arguments are defined is relevant. You should order the arguments so to make it possible to define more specific functions. The first arguments should be those that vary the least, i.e., arguments for which we expect that the user would like to have them fixed. Also note that partially applied functions cannot be shown. A partially applied function is still a function, and functions are not members of the Show typeclass. === SECTIONS ================================================================= Whenever we wish to partially apply an infix function, we use SECTIONS. We write an infix function in parentheses and supply it with an argument on either side: > addTwo = (+2) > halve = (/2) > is42 = (==42) > lessThanTwo = (<2) > aMillionOrMore = (>=1000000) > finishSentence :: String -> String > finishSentence = (++".") > prependZero :: [Integer] -> [Integer] > prependZero = (0:) > prepend123 :: [Integer] -> [Integer] > prepend123 = ([1,2,3]++) We can do the same with binary functions that are not defined as operators: > isUpperLetter :: Char -> Bool > isUpperLetter = (`elem` ['A'..'Z']) === EXERCISE 1 =============================================================== Define the following functions using partial application of existing functions: 1.1. - Function 'takeThree' that takes the first three elements from a list. - Function 'dropThree' that drops the first three elements from a list. - Function 'hundredTimes' that takes one element and repeats it 100 times in a list. 1.2. - Define 'index' that indexes the elements in a list: index "xyz" => [(0,'x'),(1,'y'),(2,'z')] - Define index' in which the index comes at the second position in the pair. 1.3. - Define 'divider n' that returns a string of length 'n' consisting of characters '='. divider :: Int -> [Char] divider 3 => "===" === HIGHER-ORDER FUNCTIONS =================================================== A higer-order function is a function that returns a function and/or takes a function as argument. For instance, a function that takes another function and applies it twice: > applyTwice :: (a -> a) -> a -> a > applyTwice f x = f (f x) Note that in this case it would be incorrect to define the type as: applyTwice :: a -> a -> a -> a or to apply the function as: applyTwice f = f f x We've already defined some of higher-order functions. Here is a couple more: > applyToPair :: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b) > applyToPair f (x,y) = (f x, f y) > applyToPair2 :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> (a, c) -> (b, d) > applyToPair2 f g (x,y) = (f x,g y) > equalBy :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> a -> a -> Bool > equalBy p x y = p x == p y What about functions that return function? Recall: because of currying, every function of two or more arguments is in fact returning a function! For example: > addThree :: Num a => a -> a -> a -> a -- or: a -> (a -> a -> a) > addThree x y z = x + y + z === EXERCISE 2 ================================================================ 2.1. - Define 'applyOnLast f xs ys' that applies a binary function 'f' on the last element of 'xs' and the last element of 'ys'. applyOnLast (+) [1,2,3] [5,6] => 9 applyOnLast max [1,2] [3,4] => 4 - Using this function and the 'addThree' function, define lastTwoPlus100 :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> Integer lastTwoPlus100 [1,2,3] [6,5] => 108 2.2. - Define 'applyManyTimes n f x' that applies 'n' times function 'f' to argument 'x'. If n<=0, return 'x' unaltered. applyManyTimes 5 (+2) 0 => 10 applyManyTimes 3 finishSentence "hm" => "hm..." - Using this function, define 'applyTwice'' === MAP ======================================================================= Look at the following recursive functions: > incList :: Num a => [a] -> [a] > incList [] = [] > incList (x:xs) = x + 1 : incList xs > uppercaseString :: String -> String > uppercaseString [] = [] > uppercaseString (x:xs) = toUpper x : uppercaseString xs > addToList :: Num a => a -> [a] -> [a] > addToList _ [] = [] > addToList n (x:xs) = x + n : addToList n xs Do you see a pattern here? Let's define a higher-order function as a generalization of the above functions: > map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] > map _ [] = [] > map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs We've just defined one of the most common functional idiom (design pattern)! In fact, function 'map' is so commonly used that it is defined in the standard library. We can now use 'map' and our knowledge of higher-order functions and sections to elegantly define the following functions: > incList' = map (+1) > uppercaseString' = map toUpper > addToList' n = map (+n) Note that, being real Haskellers, we've eta reduced the definitions right away! With 'map' we can do things for which we previously needed list comprehensions. > lengths :: [[a]] -> [Int] > lengths xss = [length xs | xs <- xss] > lengths' = map length > camelCase :: String -> String > camelCase s = concat [toUpper h : t | (h:t) <- words s] > camelCase2 s = concat $ map up (words s) > where up (h:t) = toUpper h : t Because often 'map' is followed by 'concat', there is a function 'concatMap' that does exactly this. For example: > camelCase3 s = concatMap up (words s) > where up (h:t) = toUpper h : t === EXERCISE 3 ================================================================ Write the following functions using 'map'. 3.1. - listifylist :: [a] -> [[a]] listifylist [1,2,3] => [[1],[2],[3]] 3.2. - Define 'cutoff n xs', which cuts off all values from the lists 'xs' at value 'n'. cutoff :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] cutoff 100 [20,202,34,117] => [20,100,34,100] === FILTER ==================================================================== Consider the following function: > evenNumbers :: Integral a => [a] -> [a] > evenNumbers [] = [] > evenNumbers (x:xs) > | even x = x : evenNumbers xs > | otherwise = evenNumbers xs By generalizing this function, we obtain the 'filter' higher-order function, the second important functional idiom: > filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] > filter _ [] = [] > filter p (x:xs) > | p x = x : filter p xs > | otherwise = filter p xs For example: > threeOrMore = filter (>=3) > digits = filter (`elem` ['0'..'9']) By combining 'map' and 'filter', we can now implement all functions that we've previously defined using list comprehensions. For example: > caesarCode :: String -> String > caesarCode s = [succ c | c <- s, c /= ' '] > caesarCode' :: String -> String > caesarCode' s = map succ $ filter (/=' ') s === EXERCISE 4 ================================================================ Define the following functions using 'map' and 'filter': 4.1. - Function 'sumEvenSquares' that adds the squares of all even numbers from a list. sumEvenSquares :: [Integer] -> Integer sumEvenSquares [1,2,3,4] => 20 4.2. - Function 'freq x xs' that counts how many times element 'x' occurs in list 'xs'. freq :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int freq 'k' "kikiriki" => 3 4.3. - Function 'freqFilter n' that filters all elements that occur at least 'n' times in a list. freqFilter :: Eq a => Int -> [a] -> [a] freqFilter 4 "kikiriki" => "iiii" === LAMBDA EXPRESSIONS ======================================================== With lambda expressions we can define ANONYMOUS FUNCTIONS. Anonymous functions are functions that we only need once. Because we only need them once, we can just as well define them exactly there where we need them, and we don't even need to give them a name. Instead of foo x = x + 5 we can write \x -> x + 5 and that's an anonymous function. We can give a name to an anonymous function foo = \x -> x + 5 but this, obviously, makes little sense. We often use lambda expressions when applying a higher-order function. For example, instead of incList' = map (+1) addToList' n = map (+n) we can write > incList'' = map (\x -> x + 1) > addToList'' n = map (\x -> x + n) although it doesn't really pay off here. A function that adds 1 to each element in a list and then squares it: > foo2 :: [Int] -> [Int] > foo2 = map (\x -> (x + 1)^2) A lambda expression can also use pattern matching. For example, a function that sums pairs from a list of pairs: > addPairs :: [(Int,Int)] -> [Int] > addPairs = map (\(x,y) -> x + y) Another example: instead of camelCase'' s = concatMap up (words s) where up (h:t) = toUpper h : t we can define > camelCase''' s = > concatMap (\(h:t) -> toUpper h : t) $ words s REMARK 1: If pattern matching within a lambda expression fails, we get a runtime error. REMARK 2: Avoid the use of lambda expressions. Use them only for functions that are trivial, but not trivial enough to be defined using sections. For nontrivial functions, use local definitions instead ("where" or "let"). This will make your code more readable. Moreover, if you give your functions meaningful names, your local definitions serve as a kind of documentation. REMARK 3: Because FP is based on lambda calculus, each function can be written as a lambda expression, although no one would really want to do that. For example, instead of addThree :: Num a => a -> a -> a -> a addThree x y z = x + y + z we could have defined > addThree' = \x y z -> x + y + z or (due to currying) > addThree'' = \x -> \y -> \z -> x + y + z but this only makes the code less readable. === EXERCISE 5 ================================================================ Define the following functions using lambda expressions: 5.1. - Define a function 'withinInterval n m xs' that filters from list 'xs' all elements that fall within the [n,m] interval. 5.2. - Define 'sndColumn m' that returns the second column of matrix 'm', represented as a list of lists. sndColumn [[a]] -> [a] sndColumn [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] => [2,5] 5.3. - Define 'canoinicalizePairs' that takes a list of pairs and returns a list of pairs with the order of elements switched so that the first element of the pair is smaller than the second one. If the elements are equal, the pair is discarded. canonicalizePairs :: Ord a => [(a, a)] -> [(a, a)] canonicalizePairs [(4,1),(2,2),(1,5)] => [(1,4),(1,5)] == PRACTICAL HASKELL: SETTING UP A HASKELL PROJECT ============================ * Hackage: Haskell Package Database * Cabal: Common Architecture for Building Applications and Libraries Package is a bundle of modules and/or executables. One package can have (and usually has) many (hierarchically organized) modules. Once you install the package, you simply import the modules (and you don't really care about packages anymore). * Installing packages with Cabal * "Cabal hell" and Cabal sandboxes Now, let's see how we can define our own package with cabal. Let's go back to our last week's example. Recall that we made a program that behaves pretty much like: cat file.txt | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -c Let's look at: * Modules and exports * Defining a cabal project * Semantic versioning But in Haskell: More on setting up a Haskell environment: === NEXT ===================================================================== There is more important stuff to learn about higher-order functions. 'map' and 'filter' are great, but there is one even more powerful functional pattern, called 'fold', which you absolutely need to know about. We'll also look into functional composition and how it can help us in writing even shorter code.